Personality Traits You Need as a Beginner Filmmaker
Creating your own projects is critical if you want to break into industries as an independent creative. This is especially important when trying to make it in Hollywood since it’s such a competitive area.
However, it’s not impossible. If you’re looking to make your own film, you’ll want to make sure you develop a few personality traits you need as a beginner filmmaker.
You’ll need a great crew to create a great film. Talk with friends or people you’ve met through other professional ventures and begin to round out the best people for the project. Now, this is where you’ll need to be flexible.
Even though you’re the director, your crew will come to you with their ideas for the film, and you’ll want to have an open ear. You may have specific ideas in your mind, but who knows? They might suggest something that could make your film even better! Yes, that’s possible.
You must be responsible as a filmmaker, and that includes financial responsibility. As you crunch the numbers for your budget—big or small—try your best to stick to those numbers. Many people don’t understand how easy and quick film budgets run out because the director wasn’t aware of most costs.
Sure, you may have someone in charge of your film’s finances, but it’s good to constantly communicate with them to ensure you stay on budget throughout pre-production, production, and post-production.
Additionally, you may not earn much of a profit on your film—if any—so prioritize staying on budget.
Bold Leader
You must become a bold leader to be an amazing filmmaker. And by bold, we mean knowing what you want, being firm in your decisions, and offering clear communication.
Although some people are naturally good leaders, it’s also a trait that you can develop and grow over time to make your film successful.
If your goal is to make a film that captures the attention of industry professionals, a great way to start is by entering it into different festivals.
While this is a great way to attract more eyes to the project, it’s important to remember that not every venture will be as successful as you’d like it to be.
This may sound negative, but all creatives go through the same thing; therefore, resiliency is a must-have personality trait. Do your best on each film, submit them, reach out to professionals, and stay focused.
Technologically Savvy
This one is straightforward. You’ll want to have at least some knowledge of how your equipment and software work to make your film look its best. You can take online classes, talk with your mentors, or even take to YouTube for technological knowledge.
Technology can help if you want to make films using green screens; you don’t have to rent out a studio to use one. Instead, follow these tips for using a portable green screen.
These personality traits you need as a beginner filmmaker are critical in pushing your filmmaking career forward and putting you in front of the right people!