How To Get the Perfect Lighting for Your Stream

Livestreaming is a lot of fun and even a great profession, but it takes a bit of setup to make it look good. A good camera and a clean space will only get you so far. You need proper lighting to make your steam look its best. Here are some easy tricks to elevate your lighting for a stream.

Limit Backlight

One big mistake many steamers make is using too much backlight in their setup. While backlights are necessary for filmmaking and videos, livestreaming is slightly different since you’re the main focus. Too much backlight will drown you out and make it harder for your audience to see you while streaming.

Use Soft Light

A lot of people love LED lights, and for a good reason, but their brightness can be very harsh for the camera. It’s better to use a softer light for your setup to make it easier for your camera. Try switching out your bulbs for fluorescent options to create the lighting you want when streaming.

Test Your Lighting

Many people try to change their lighting using just their naked eye, but that can be very subjective. You should try to use a light measuring tool to give you an objective look at how your lighting works on the camera. This is best if you can pair it with a tunable light source, so you can alter it as needed.

Don’t Mix Color Temperatures

Color temperatures are critical in lighting; they’ll set the mood and change how you balance the lighting. Mixing temperatures can cause many issues when lighting a stream, as cooler temperatures contrast with hot temperatures and make a subject look very odd. To create the perfect lighting for your steam, choose a range of temperatures and stick with it.

Getting the proper lighting will make a world of difference in the quality of your streams. People want to see you, and the lighting will help you create a more professional look. So, if you’re going to take your stream to the next level, try working on your lighting.


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