Top Tips for Starting an Animation Business

Animation is a complex industry. There are many factors and moving parts going on behind the scenes as businesses work to grow and get animation out there to viewers. Everyone needs to be on the same page and working collaboratively, but this is harder than it sounds. Read on to learn more about working collaboratively and other tips for starting your animation business!

Find Your Niche

It’s common for anyone starting a business to envision themselves having their hands in every facet of the industry they’re a part of, but this is unrealistic. Doing this is a significant undertaking, and the greatest alternative is finding your specific niche. This way, you can get into the industry and make a name for yourself without having too much on your plate. You will still likely have lots of projects and deadlines, but you won’t be spreading your team and your resources too thin. Instead, everyone on your team is prepared to take on the challenges in front of them.  


One of the most significant things you need to do for your animation business is to emphasize collaboration. You and the people you work with can get your jobs done relatively independently, but in an industry such as animation, peer review and collaborative brainstorming are essential. Of course, this isn’t easy when everyone is working remotely, but thankfully, cloud services are easy to use and make collaboration easy. The cloud is also a fantastic place to store animation assets so that anyone on your team can use them, and the cloud will protect those assets in instances of disaster.

Invest in Quality Equipment

Animation is a tough industry. Not only do you need talented artists to put together everything, but you need the hardware to back them up. Editing and animation are highly intensive processes that require a significant amount of computing power, and many computers cannot provide this. As a result, a lot of teams get by with what they have, but in the process, they will lose assets, loading times will be long, and the business will struggle. A great way to navigate this issue is by investing in quality equipment early. This allows for better-quality products to go out quicker, and then your team can move on to the next one.

These are the top tips for starting an animation business. While it may seem intimidating at first, don’t let it stop you from pursuing your dreams. Of course, you need a little bit of hard work and planning at the beginning, but it should be smooth sailing once you have everything and your team ready.


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